Summertime is usually family time in the Caribbean. It’s also considerably less crowded – which is a plus – sometimes you can negotiate better pricing with the owners, which is also a plus, but it’s also hot, so charter a boat with air conditioning..!! The summer months in the Caribbean therefore offer some really good opportunities for summer family fun on a catamaran or monohull at a more reasonable price.
There are some things to bear in mind however, this is hurricane season of course, but with today’s sophisticated forecasting systems, the tracking is pretty accurate and you’ll probably know if something nasty is heading towards your favorite destination, possibly even before you get on the airplane. During the summer months, Trip Cancellation Insurance for your charter is highly recommended.
A variety of things happen in the summer though that have a bearing on price. Many of the charter yachts and catamarans have either:
a) Left their winter bases in the BVI and Leeward Islands and headed South to Grenada and Trinidad where hurricanes rarely hit.
b) Hauled their boats out of the water for repairs and annual maintenance.
c) Headed up to the Northern Mainland United States, especially New England to pick up some summer charters in Newport or Maine, etc.
d) Have already left the Caribbean in April and May and headed for the Mediterranean for the Summer Season.
All of this reduces the number of charter boats and catamarans available during the Summer so there is less choice and less supply so pricing does not always come down during these months. Much will depend on the owner’s personal situation although it is possible to pick up some good deals as you will see on our special offers pages.
In any event, the kids are out of school, so why not give them the vacation of a lifetime? Plus, they’ll learn a lot too about the ocean, the marine environment and the creatures that co-exist with us on the planet and even maybe learn the basics of how to sail a boat. See our blog post for Taking the Kids on a Charter”.
i didnt realse that hurrican season is in the summer season. but you could still have a good time in the hot weather. Thank you